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Splitting of the worlds

The gods grew more and more concerned, for the humans were advancing and turning away from them. Unable to revert their mistake  their only choice was to hide their home from the topside and thus they created the great border only  magical and spiritual beings can pass. As word got around a massive migration began. Predators and prey, side by side travelling through air, water and underground to get to the safe haven of the hidden continent.


At the beginning each of the gods ruled over parts of the land, but they became afraid that the people will find them to be mortal and weak so the gods sent children from the topside to rule in their stead.


The continent of Arcandria is located in the Atlantic ocean reaching from right above the equator to the Arctic waters up north. The whole continent is surrounded by a magic boarder that hides it from the outside world.


However the Continent is connected to the Topside (outside world) by a vast network of tunnels and caverns


The terrain and climate are not only shaped by the natural geography but also by patrons (mainly gods, deities, spirits or higher 3 gen creatures)

How everything came to be

Once upon a time the 17 Gods got bored of their eternal solitary existence. Even though they knew it would come at a great cost they created the world and the first creatures (later known as 1st generation). After a while they got bored again and created new creatures, this time giving them knowledge and intelligence (2nd generation) but soon these weren't enough either so the gods decided to give some of their magic to the next generation (3rd generation). Now that they had given up so much of their strength it dawned on them that they had given up their eternity and al mightiness.

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